Monday, March 26, 2012


While arguing with a close friend on the phone, she gets angry and hangs up. Assuming she is at fault and makes no attempt to contact you, how long would you wait to get in touch with her?

well i wouldn't call unless it was my fault and if she doesn't call then i guess that we aren't friends anymore. because even now some of my friends hate each other and think that one another are fake or two faced but i think it is all just ridiculous and point i don't get if someone is talking about someone one minute and then being their friend the next minute because it's just stupid and childish like grow up already. that really pisses me off and i won't explain myself to no one. im really tired of it and to tell the truth i can get a new friend because i don't have time to be playing no back and forth game. be friends or don't talk about one another because it's just taking things to the next level and other people need to stay out of it and let them work it out.either your friends or not i'm not choosing no side because no one is the boss of me and if thats a problem then i guess we can't be friends. so if they don't call back to make the friendship work then i'm done with them simple as that.

Friday, March 23, 2012

You are driving late at night in a safe but deserted neighborhood when a dog suddenly darts in front of your car. Though you slam on the breaks, you hit the animal. Would you stop to see how injured the animal was? If you did so and found out the dog was dead but had a name tag, would you contact the owner?

of course i would stop and see if the dog is OK. just because stupid movie say that the person who get out the car dies in the deserted neighborhood doesn't mean anything to me because it's just a stupid movie and i don't care. so anyway yes of course i would check on the dog because what if you were an animal or a human and got hit by a car wouldn't you want someone to check on you. if the dog was dead and had a name tag i would check the address and take note of it. then i would call the ambulance or someone to pick up the dog off the street. then go to the owner and tell them how sorry i am and explain that it was an accident. i would probably buy them a new dog but i will now that that dog meant a lot to them and another dog would never replace it. but i would most likely never forget the pain i put that poor little family throw.i don't know why this dog was in the street any way but as long as i let the family know i would have a little bit of joy in my heart. it's the right thing to do because letting the family go throw the process of put up lost sign's would just be wrong and will make me a terrible person.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Who is your complete opposite? What is that person like?

My complete opposite is my twin brother he is the closest person to me literally he is the opposite of me because I'm girl and he's a boy. He is the type of person who likes the exact opposite of the things i like. But i don't care because i still love him he is my brother forever and ever. we like SOME.... of the same things like amusement parks and food but that's only because my grandma gives us different foods from her culture(i bet you want to know the culture don't you well not this time). so anyway we are the opposite of each other im sure he has a lot to say about me anyway even if he's the complete opposite of me he is my brother and i will love him to the end forever and always. He could be annoying sometimes but not always. i love having a twin brother because for me it's a great life that i can't explain it's something i feel deep in side. so thats all i have to say love you brother.

Monday, March 19, 2012


What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep, toss and turn, or get up and do something?

when i can't sleep i would go into the kitchen and get some milk and cookies and watch t v on the most boring channel ever an then fall asleep. i don't think that counting sheep would make you go to sleep. besides that is stupid i don't even know who came up that idea it's clever but dumb. if someone came in my face when i can't sleep talking about here count some sheep i going to talk them down with a broom. thats very annoying. so anyway when some people can't sleep they take sleeping pills and i don't think that's good because some sleeping pills have after effects and can't be good for you.


Friday, March 16, 2012

What’s your opinion on sagging pants?

i think that sagging is stupid and pointless because people invented belts for a reason hello. like if someone can explain why it's so important or cool to do it and give real great reason and explanation then i would see why. But people shouldn't do it because i makes them look crazy. just because one person is sagging now everyone is doing it but people say that they are never follower always leaders. so I would say be a leader and PULL UP YOUR PANTS and then maybe others might follow you. just set a good example for the children that are your age or younger. BOTH.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How close can someone stand to you? well if i don't know the person i would flip out like back up a little i need to breath no one needs your hot breath on the back ok. but if i know them i wouldn't my if they stand close but if their in my face i would say step back. when people stand to close to me when it's hot i just get disgusted because i don't wan't no one's nasty sweat on some can stand at least three inch's away from me.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

what is the first thing that comes to mind when you look into someones eyes?

well if they are any eye color besides dark brown i would think how beautiful my favorite eye colors would be light brown, green, hazel, blue and the type of eyes that change color. any way i can look into someones eyes and tell what kind of person they are. but look can be deseiving always remember. And never for get to understand that just because just because people are beautiful on the outside it doesn't mean it's the same way on the inside people can be pretty sneaky.

Friday, March 9, 2012


When did you stop believing in Santa Clause? well i guess i never really believed there was a santa because the stories that tell of him coming from your chimney and putting christmas presents under the tree seemed really stupid and creepy because if i see a fat man in my house touching the beautiful tree i decorated i will take him down with a bat because that is weird. I also thought that there is no one in the whole world that can go around the entire world in one night and deliver presents so you can just say that to santa pisses me off because people have there kids believe in someone and when they get old their feelings get hurt because the really loved this santa guy. And the thing that is the most annoying is when they have these guy dress up in a mall as santa and sit little kids on their laps(which is creepy and gross and stupid because thats just like sitting your child on a strangers lap)and tell them that they get them present when it's really their parents. Do they get credit for spending money for a holiday no. so that's why i didn't stop believing santa i just never did.


sometimes the most beautiful flowers in the world can say a lot without words. When i saw these flowers i thought that they were the most beautiful flowers ever i couldn't even describe there beauty it just leaves you thinking like wow were can you find such magnificent things in this big beautiful world. some of these flowers represent more then what they look like. Some could represent culture or even history. Things like this say to all people in the world that not everything is as bad as it seems you just have to look for the things that still remind us what true beauty is and will always be.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


so so so so so cute and adorable.

funny stuff

What would the world be like if men gave birth to the children?

If men could get pregnant i think the world would be like life for a male sea horse kind of. Anyway i think it would be so funny because they think that pregnant women are annoying and they whine to much and complain so just picture a man doing all the stuff and saying all things that women do say oh i'm hungry my feet hurt and and ask do i look fat?. Any way i think they should just see how it feel for a week i think it's a good way to understand women better plus i would be so so so so so funny.

Friday, March 2, 2012

If you could design a middle school, what would it be like?

if i could design a middle school i would put a hot tub lounge in and a big fashion hall and my school would be the best i would have and gymnastic gymnasium and the best teachers in all of america.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Are you good at keeping secrets? Are there any situations where you would tell your friend’s secret?

yes i am a good secret keeper but if the secret can behold something that is really crazy and it can unfold a dark past or future i still wouldn't tell but my friends would never put me in a position where i am as i would say trapped.

Is it ok to tell lies sometimes or should you always be honest?

well when people lie it's not good because that can really hurt their feelings and no one likes to see people done or crying but when a kid mostly girl ask's her parent's can she be the president of the united states and they say yes they're lying to her. the point is if you can look someone in the eyes knowing the truth about something and your not telling them than you must be the worst person . And you may ask but what if it's terrible and they would hate me forever? well than you must tell them because your basically saying that every thing in the world is all sweet candy and flowers. so lying or not saying the truth is the worst thing you could possible do.

Friday, February 17, 2012


9. What is your favorite song? How do the words make you feel? What images or thoughts come to mind when you listen to it? i have a lot of favorite song but if i tell them all you would never stop reading so i'll just list the artists.chris brown, TI, beyonce, yelawolf, colby o'donis, monica, rihanna, adele, usher, selena gomez, maroon 5,j randall, mariah carey, jessie j, bg5, alicia keys. these are some of the artist i like.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


what is the craziest thing you've ever done? The

craziest thing i've ever done was when my cousin

and i were playing hide n go seek and i pushed my

cousin out side and left him there untill he came

running after me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


what do you you think is the best amusement park you ever been to?
the best amusement park that i've been to SO FAR is six flags that park is awesome i was scared on some roller coasters but i still had fun it's a great place to take your family. There is a ride for every age group in your family. It is a very cool place.

super powers

3. Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds? Give a detailed description of your day with one of those powers. I would like to be invisible because i think it would fun to go into concerts and things that you have to pay for but i would get some clothes that can go invisible whenever i do so that way when i become un invisible i would have on so clothes. >_< tee hee

5. Are you the type of person who can eat at a restaurant or go to the movies alone? Or do you always need someone by your side? Explain. I could eat alone at a restaurant but would prefer eating with some one so that we can talk and figure out what's going on with there live's like some exciting news or very bad news. the point is that i don't mind.

Monday, February 13, 2012

which musical instrument best describes your personality? I chose the electric guitar because it's fun loud awesome and everyone loves it. The electric guitar is a great way to express who i am because it always make an extraordinary sound. when people think of the electric guitar some people think it's annoying and some think it's amazing i think it's a mystery because the sound the guitar makes is a way to express peoples feelings.

Friday, February 10, 2012

what is your favorite kind of dog? i think that

tea cup Yorkie's are the cutest little puppies ever

because they are so small and adorable .

1) Describe a time when a police man/woman has helped/protected you or someone you know? one time when my family and i were going on vacation we got lost and a police women told us were to go. she was nice to us.

2) Describe a time when a police man/woman has acted in a way you disagreed with. How could they have handled it better? one time i saw my neighbors aguing and they called the police so they came and they locked one of them up and not the other one and they made a big scene for no reason.

3) Should citizens be able to take photos and videos of the police? Why or why not? yes but no. ithink they should have the freedom to take pictures but they should under stand that the police are just trying to protect us.

4) Is there anything a citizen should not be allowed to take a photo or video of (for example, inside the subway, couples making out, outside the White House)? citizen should not be allowed to invade peoples privacy with photos.for example taking a picture and someone is behind them that doesn't won't to be in the picture.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


If a friend asked you to you weren't allowed would

go? No i would because i don't like when people

tell me what to do especially if its something bad.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


If you could put anything in your room what would it be? I would put a swing in my room i think that would be cool because you won't have to go to the park for something you could do at home.

another question

Friday, February 3, 2012

random set of questions #2

2. What’s your best childhood memory? my best

child hood memory was when my family and i took

a trip to splish splash and my father fell out of a

boat on the lazy river.

3. What’s something you eat that many people find disgusting?every time i eat rice and tuna people

think its nasty but the tuna is fried so i don't get how

its nasty.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

random set of questions #4

8. A window opens,it's you 3 years ago,what advice do you give yourself? if i saw myself 3years ago i would say to myself work hard and you will always do good in life. And do more work.

9. Make a poem inspired by this not available

10.what is something you fake all the time?i don't fake things because there's nothing to fake i love school and i hate being sick like having a cold.

random set of questions #3

4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not? I do believe in love at first sight because if someone notices someone else and they believe that their heart is saying that the person the just saw makes their heart beat faster and slower than no one can tell the it's not true.

5. Do you sing in the shower?yes only when a song is catchy and it's stuck in my head i would just sing it.

6. What’s one thing you’d change about your neighborhood?the parks. the parks in my neighborhood are run down and they don't look like a kid would want to play on them.

7. If you were the opposite sex, what would your name be? If i were a boy my name would be jayden because i think it's a cute name for a boy.

random post 1

1. Describe your bedroom. What’s the single most important thing in it? my bed room is pink green and

purple and it has drawings on it. the most important

thing in my room is my jewelry and drawings

my drawings are the most important thing because

they are the things that i care about.

Monday, January 30, 2012

airport security

In these photos you can see that two women are at an airport and they are being searched or scanned he speech bubble that's for the woman that is getting patted down is because she was very uncomfortable with being scanned and exposing her body to the world(security). And the woman on the far right is being scanned and her thought bubble is because she feels that they shouldn't be aloud to do this type of thing it's very uncomfortable and inappropriate.

Friday, January 20, 2012

random questions #1

1.What qualities do you look for when choosing your friends? some qualities are they need to be

a good influence on me they can't be evil,conniving,or just bad to hang around. they have to be

smart, good,nice to people,not rude,funny,will never bring me down in any kind of friend

are nice people to hang around and they love to help out with people in need they like helping

the environment and being helpful.

artificial intelligence

1. Should roboticists (those who make robots) avoid making robots that think and feel like humans? Why or why not?i think that they shouldn't make robots that think like humans because they wouldn't be able to under stand or have the feeling of being a real human. so i say that roboticists should probably not make robots that act like humans.

2. Should some robots be given human rights? For example, the right not to be tortured, to be allowed to marry, to be educated, and to be free to practice a religion?i think they should if they won't to be human why not give them the full experience of being one. they would probably be good humans.