You are driving late at night in a safe but deserted neighborhood when a dog suddenly darts in front of your car. Though you slam on the breaks, you hit the animal. Would you stop to see how injured the animal was? If you did so and found out the dog was dead but had a name tag, would you contact the owner?
of course i would stop and see if the dog is OK. just because stupid movie say that the person who get out the car dies in the deserted neighborhood doesn't mean anything to me because it's just a stupid movie and i don't care. so anyway yes of course i would check on the dog because what if you were an animal or a human and got hit by a car wouldn't you want someone to check on you. if the dog was dead and had a name tag i would check the address and take note of it. then i would call the ambulance or someone to pick up the dog off the street. then go to the owner and tell them how sorry i am and explain that it was an accident. i would probably buy them a new dog but i will now that that dog meant a lot to them and another dog would never replace it. but i would most likely never forget the pain i put that poor little family throw.i don't know why this dog was in the street any way but as long as i let the family know i would have a little bit of joy in my heart. it's the right thing to do because letting the family go throw the process of put up lost sign's would just be wrong and will make me a terrible person.
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