Monday, December 19, 2011


a) Did either of the machines come close to passing the Turing Test (did they seem human?)the machines are funny and cool they didn't seem human because i ask it some questions like what is your gender? and it said girl then we talk and i asked the question again and the machine said boy.The machines are smart but not so smart that you would say their human.

b) What were some of the questions you asked them? Why?i asked whats there favorite colors?do you go to your friends house alot?are you the first one in school? what are your favorite foods?i asked these questions because only humans can really have emotions and answer with their own opinion.

c) Why do you think it’s so hard to design a machine that passes the Turing Test?because the machines have to be programed to answer to what ever is told to them and machines are really hard to program because it not like a human is on the other end of the computer talking to you.